A practical and easy-to-use reference, the Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam for Adults: An Illustrated Handbook, Second Edition assists clinicians in discerning the presence and degree of malnutrition. It includes pictorial representations of various stages of muscle and fat depletion (normal–mild–moderate–severe), vitamin and mineral losses, and fluid balance along with techniques and tips for thorough nutrition-focused physical examination and describes markers of inflammation and fluid status. CE credit may be earned through a thorough reading of the book and successful completion of a post assessment.
Education and Accreditation Information
Goal and Target Audience
This educational activity is directed toward clinical nutrition and metabolism professionals and others who wish to update their knowledge of clinical nutrition and metabolism. By participating in this educational activity, the reader may expect to:
- Acquire knowledge in the area of clinical nutrition as applied to the nutrition assessment and diagnosis of malnutrition.
- Update or confirm their understanding of valid and reliable tools to conduct a nutrition-focused physical exam.
- Identify further learning needs as they relate to the subject matter.
Learning Objectives
- Select proper techniques and tools to conduct a nutrition-focused physical exam.
- Recognize markers of inflammation to more accurately use ASPEN-AND characteristics to identify malnutrition.
- Identify different states of altered fluid status to improve clinical practice.
- Refine current clinical knowledge to reflect up-to-date advances in evaluating muscle and fat loss in adult patients.
- Identify aspects of a physical assessment to evaluate for the presence of micronutrient abnormalities.
Requirements for Successful Completion
To obtain CE credit for this activity, attendees must read the book in its entirety, complete an online assessment and achieve a score of 100%, and complete an online activity evaluation. All are located in ASPEN’s eLearning Center (www.nutritioncare.org/elearning). All CE credit must be claimed prior to the expiration date, no exceptions. Dietitians and other CDR credentialed practitioners must also complete and retain a copy of the CDR issued Critical Thinking Self-Study Evaluation Tool. Pharmacists must provide their birthday (MMDD) and NABP e-PID. Details are available here.
If you have purchased the book through ASPEN, to access the online assessment go to www.nutritioncare.org/elearning and log in with your ASPEN credentials. Once logged in, proceed to “My Account” at the top of the page. Once in “My Account” select “My Packages” from the left menu. You can then complete the post assessment and complete the evaluation to claim credit.
If a colleague has purchased the book, others may also access the online assessment and evaluation by purchasing it directly. Go to the ASPEN eLearning Center at www.nutritioncare.org/elearning and log in with your ASPEN credentials. Proceed to the Book CE option in the store to purchase.
Accreditation Statement
In support of improving patient care, the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
ASPEN designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.5 AMAPRA Category 1 CreditsTM per article. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Pharmacists: ASPEN designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2.5 contact hours/0.25 CEUs. ACPE UAN: JA0002345-0000-21-123-H04-P. Knowledge Activity.
Nurses: ASPEN designates this enduring material for 2.5 nursing contact hours. ASPEN is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the California Board of Nursing, provider number CEP3970.
Dietitians: ASPEN designates this enduring material for 2.5 CPEUs.

This activity was planned byand for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 2.5 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credits for learning and change.
Release date: August 31, 2021
Expiration date: August 31, 2024
Non-Commercialism: ASPEN subscribes to the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. ASPEN does not provide programs that constitute advertisement or include promotional materials. ASPEN does not endorse any products.
Computer Requirements and Technical Support: Participants will need a computer with internet connection to access the online assessment and evaluation for each journal article. If the journal article is read electronically, then the ability to read a PDF document is also necessary. Users should enable pop-ups if attempting to read article electronically. For technical difficulties please contact Digitell Inc. Customer Support at: 1-800-679-3646
Office hours are between 9AM to 5PM ET, Monday through Friday
Privacy and Confidentiality: ASPEN respects the privacy of its members and website visitors. Companies that receive personal information from ASPEN in order to execute the business of ASPEN may use personal information only for that purpose.
Refund Policy: Refunds are not available.
Grievances: Grievances must be submitted in writing to Director of Education at ASPEN 8401 Colesville Road, Ste 510, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Commercial Support and Sponsorship
No commercial support or sponsorship has been received for this continuing education activity.
Commercial Relationships Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest (COI) of Authors and Editor
Among the authors, Cynthia Hamilton, Peggy Hipskind, Marianne Galang, Andrea Jevenn, Cassandra Pogatschnik have nothing to disclose.
Among the reviewers, Vicky Pehling, Sandra Mayol-Kreiser. Claudia Maza, Mireille Hamdan, Monica Agarwal, Leah Hoffman, Jaime Avila, Kelly Corkins, Leslie Goudarzi, Juvy Martillos have nothing to disclose.
ASPEN staff have nothing to disclose.