If you're a first-time volunteer leader or new to section leadership and need to know where to start, a great place to begin is with the information on annual planning. If you're a seasoned section volunteer and looking for specific resources or answers, view our list of frequently used items. Looking to start a section? Review the information we’ve provided on how to get started.
Complete my Section’s annual work plan due by May 31, 2022
Schedule a conference call
Create and submit ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Session Proposal
Create and submit Clinical Nutrition Week meeting proposal without education
Find sponsors
Promote my Section and/or my Section’s event
Review the ASPEN Graphic Standards
Annual deadlines and responsibilities
Election procedures
Starting a Section
General administration
Leadership development
Leadership styles
Mobilizing volunteers
Plan a Section meeting
Create your annual work plan
Creating a Conversation Map
Securing funding through sponsorships or project budgets
Growing my Section’s membership
Engaging current members
Section Promotion
ASPEN Graphic Standards